About Eeva Extracts

Welcome to Eeva Extracts where nature's bounty meets timeless traditions! We are based out of Pushkar, Rajasthan. The homeland of a very particular and rather special breed of pink roses called Rosa Centifolia. This desert rose is revered to have divine qualities and finds its existence in Indian mythology as well.

Our founder, Mr. Avichal Pandey is a veteran and among the pioneers of natural extract industry of Pushkar. His expertise and determination towards sticking to core values is the main driving force behind Eeva Extracts. We are a bunch of passionate advocates for a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle, and we believe that the key to achieving this lies in the embrace of natural and organic products. Our journey began with a simple yet profound vision - to harness the inherent goodness of nature while preserving its integrity through traditional methods and this core philosophy is reflected in all our products.

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We take pride in the fact that our methods remain true to the roots of traditional craftsmanship, ensuring that the integrity and purity of each item are maintained. By marrying age-old techniques with modern knowledge, we strive to create a harmonious balance that benefits both the consumer and the planet. From skincare essentials to culinary delights, each item is carefully chosen for its quality, authenticity, and minimal ecological impact.

We invite you to join us on this journey towards a more sustainable and mindful way of living. With Eeva Extracts, you're not just purchasing products; you're embracing a lifestyle that cherishes the beauty of nature and honors the traditions that have sustained humanity for centuries.

Our Team

Avichal Pandey - Founder

The vision to form Eeva Extracts and decide its core values was seeded by Mr. Avichal Pandey. Pushkar, a quaint little town in Rajasthan serves as the abode of Pink Rosa Centifolia flowers. Apart from being the place where these flowers bloom in all their glory, Pushkar is also the hometown of Mr. Avichal. When you spend 30 years of your life in the same industry, the expertise, knowledge and vision of how to present it to the world stands unmatched. Mr. Avichal is one of the pioneers of natural extract initiatives in Pushkar but even after all these years, his love and respect for these natural products remains timeless.

Archana Pandey - Co Founder

The better half of our founder, Mr. Avichal Pandey, is not just a homemaker, she is a business maker. She has applied the same philosophy of nurturing a family to this initiative as well. Unfolded and understood, this philosophy focuses on maintaining hygiene, quality control of all the products and, most important, maintaining harmony inside the organization. This very well could be the reason behind why our each and every product is filled with motherly love. At Eeva Extracts, we are blessed to have someone like her who is like a guardian angel to us but when the need arises, she doesn’t mind becoming a warrior queen.

Shilpa Rajpurohit - Chief Operating Officer

After spearheading many successful business initiatives, Miss Shilpa Rajpurohit has proved time and again that belonging from a family of business stalwarts does have its advantages. With her infectious energy and smile, she also brings precision, creativity and efficiency to the organization. She keeps an eagle eye on all the day-to-day business operations, making sure to tie all the loose ends. Apart from having a command over business operations, she is also an ardent voice for females out there.

Anant Pandey -Chief Marketing Officer

Being the son of our Founder and Co-founder, Mr. Anant has redeemed all of their good qualities (some bad ones as well!). He spearheads the marketing department and looks after our social media handles too. Having spent close to 21 years of his life in Pushkar too, he also resonates with the dedication his father has towards this initiative.

PANKAJ JOSHI - Product Strategist

Pankaj Joshi is a connoisseur of natural products, having spent his entire life in the lap of Aravallis and in Pushkar. Since he runs his own cafe, he has deep rooted knowledge in culinary delights and in all sorts of beverages, including herbal tea of all kinds. He has played a pivotal role in strategising products and making sure that the final product delivers on all counts, including authenticity and preserving natural goodness.

Sanjeev Tiwari - Quality Head

Sanjeev Tiwari has dedicated his whole life to the organic industry, working as QC (Quality Control)head and now, he’s lending his expertise to Eeva Extracts. His decade-long tenure at Divya Pharmacy and Patanjali as a Quality Head has blessed him with a keen eye and an eager mind. He keeps a thorough check on all our products and ensures that the quality levels set by Eeva Extracts is met by each and every unit rolled out of our home.

Vishnu joshi - Logistics Head

Vishnu Joshi is responsible for ensuring that the supply chain is efficient and effective throughout their organization. He organizes, stores and monitors the distribution of goods to ensure items and resources are shipped to their appropriate destinations, in an intact manner and not to forget, on time! So basically, he just doesn’t deliver our products right at your doorstep but happiness and health as well.